His Name was Man of Steel

His Name was Man of Steel

I got back home from sucking my first cock at around 3:30 in the afternoon and checked the additional responses I had gotten from my Craigslist ad. (If you want a more detailed account, you may want to click on my author link and check out my other posting; it concerns the events leading up to this story) I had several new takers, and one seemed particularly interesting: it was from a guy about 30 years old who lived not far from my house, and his screen name was Man of Steel.

As I was answering some of the replies to my ad, I was sent an IM from Man of Steel. There was no small talk, no attempt to hide what he was driving at- the very first message was something to the effect of “So you’re looking to suck some cock?” It was pretty obvious that he was comfortable with having another guy service him, so I didn’t hesitate to tell him that I was. We started trading messages back and forth, talking about the standard stuff: his penis size, cut or uncut, stamina, whether he would be winning to go further than just a blowjob; all of that good stuff.

I had been messaging with him for nearly half an hour when we made arrangements for me to meet him at his apartment for some fun. I got in my car and headed out to his place wearing what I now refer to as my “whore jeans” for the simple fact that they are button fly, and this makes it VERY easy to remove them if things get serious. I think I knew in the back of my mind that I was going to try to progress things farther than just sucking him off because I wore no underwear under my jeans; I wanted to be naked as quickly as possible of the opportunity arose, and I have learned since then that underwear of any sort is just one less thing I want to worry about when the action gets heavy.

I made it to his place without any trouble, and almost as if hoping it would force things to go how I wanted, I grabbed a condom out of the glove box just in case he didn’t have one. If I got a chance to go as far as I wanted, I didn’t want him to say no just because he wouldn’t have a condom to put on.

I went up to his apartment, knocked on the door, and waited (quite anxiously) for him to answer. When the door opened, there was a rather scruffy looking guy standing in front of me wearing a work uniform. He was about six feet tall, decent shape, but a bit of a belly; nothing special, and that’s how I wanted it. I went inside, and after asking me a few questions about what I was looking for, he took of his pants, pulled down his boxers, and sat in a recliner.

I walked over to him, and got down on my knees, assuming what I have learned to be the classic cock sucking position. I moved closer to him, spread his legs, and inspected his tool. It was about 4 inches flaccid, a decent thickness, and uncut- something I have learned I like, mainly because it is different from my own circumcised prick. I took him into my hand and gave him a few long slow strokes before lowering my mouth to his waiting piece of meat.

He was definitely longer and thicker than the other cock I had sucked earlier in the day, and it was obvious that his stamina was far better. I played with it in my mouth, swirling my tongue around his rapidly growing member, bobbing up and down his shaft, licking the underside of his head, occasionally stopping to suck on of his rather large balls into my mouth. He was probably about seven inches long, and fairly thick. The sensation was like nothing I had ever experienced before, especially having one that was uncut. The heat was the most noticeable thing, it’s hard to describe, and I’m sure this is going to sound as stupid to you as it does to me, but it was like holding a really thick sausage that just came off the grill. Hot.

I continued to suck him for a couple more minutes, all the while thinking about something else that I wanted to try even more than giving head. I came up off his package and asked him if he wanted to fuck. I figure that if he had so brazenly asked me earlier if I was looking to suck cock that I wouldn’t have to beat around the busk asking for what I wanted either. He said yes.

I stood up, and removed my clothes while he took a condom from a drawer by the recliner. (I guess I didn’t need to bring my own condom for him after all; he was just as ready as me.) While he was rolling the rubber over his still hard cock, I told him that I had never been fucked before, and I swear to you, I thought I saw him smile. He told me to get down on my hands and knees in front of his coffee table, so I did. As I was waiting there for him, several things began running through my mind. First, I thought about the fact that I was about to let a man fuck me. It took a while for that one to sink in, but since I was already bent over a table with my naked ass in the air, there wasn’t really a whole lot I could do to take that back. Second, I was relieved that I was going to be taking my first fucking with a condom; I’m not looking to get some nasty disease from a one-time fling. Finally, I was in anticipation of having that pole inside of me, ready to find out what it felt like to be getting fucked instead of doing the fucking. It’s weird to go from fucking a woman to being fucked by a man in case you’ve never been in this position. I won’t say it isn’t pleasurable, but it’s entirely different from the pleasure you get from a woman.

While all those things were speeding around in my skull, I heard him get behind me, and felt him grab my hips. He placed his cock in the crack of my ass and rubbed it across the virginal rosebud of my asshole. He pushed against me once, and missed the mark. He realigned and tried a second time. Close, but no cigar. I asked him to go slowly so I could adjust to it, but he didn’t say a word. With one more thrust, he hit the mark, and I felt the soft, fleshy knob of his head slip into my now deflowered hole.
The feeling is indescribable, but I’ll do the best I can. There was surprisingly no pain, and that’s something I still haven’t been able to figure out. It was still just as hot as when it was in my hand and mouth, but now it was spreading me open. When I was working his shaft, I was in control; now he was going to work my ass, and that effectively made me his bitch. There was also a feeling of fullness, but all of that was secondary to the feeling of bliss that washed over me when he speared me on his cock.

He held me there with a few inches of his prick in my ass, allowing me to get used to the size of it while I lay there, draped across his table with my eyes closed and what was undoubtedly a look of sheer bliss on my face. After about thirty seconds he began to slowly ease his cock out of me until only the head remained, and then he would press in a little farther than he had the stroke before. It was taking about ten seconds each way. After a few minutes he had worked all seven inches into me, and I knew that because I could feel the coarseness of his hair grinding onto my asshole at the end of each in-stroke. I reached behind me and spread my ass apart for him, signaling that I was ready for the real fun to begin.

He began speeding up his strokes, and slowly but surely, we went from several full strokes in and out per minute to a couple of full strokes each second. There was a surprising lack of friction, and I’m chalking that up to the slickness of the condom, but it was extremely enjoyable because of that. As he was pounding my ass, I began to rock back and forth, meeting his thrusts, and intensifying my own pleasure. At one point in time, he was fucking me so hard that I was getting pushed rather forcefully into the table; in fact, were it not for that piece of furniture, I likely wouldn’t have been able to stay upright! He kept at me for a good ten minutes, then I felt his rhythm change, and I knew he was close. I decided to try something on him. I began clenching my hole to apply extra pressure on him, and as I did that, it caused my insides to basically massage him inside of me. That was all it took.

He came quietly, but I could feel his cock twitch ever so slightly in me, so I knew that he was finishing. I stayed hard the entire time I was sucking him and being fucked, which probably lasted for twenty minutes or more.

Since he had used protection, there was no need for cleanup, but I knew that I had been fucked pretty well because of the heat and throbbing sensation coming from my well used hole. I walked out without saying much of anything to him or him to me. He just put on his pants and went to smoke on his porch.
As I was driving home, my mind began to wander, and I found myself thinking about how much I had enjoyed my new experience. I knew it wouldn’t be long before I was going to step up my game from safe to raw, but I had to find the right person. I eventually ran across him, but that will be a story for another time.

This is only my second story, so I apologize if the formatting was off. If there is a favorable response to this, I may write another story to tell you about my next experience. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you didn’t read my first story, I highly suggest you do that so you can get a fuller picture of what is going on.

One final thing: Yes, this is actually a true story. No, I’m not lying. No, none of that was made up. Well, not intentionally anyway. It’s been nearly a year since this happened, so some of the detail is getting hazy, but I assure you that this is as close to true as you will find on XNXX.

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