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Cassies first time 1

Incest, sleeping, young, first time Well my name is Cassie and this is about my first time, it’s been a long time since then but I still remember it vividly and quite fondly as well too! My mother and dad had divorced, dad was gone and we lost the house, well apartment really. Mom had moved in with her brother Uncle Mark. I guess now in retrospect I should have seen the things that were wrong back then but at the age that I was and the sheltered upbringing that I had, well I guess I just hadn’t figured things out...


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Birthday Fuck Up

As I walked to school the cold nipped my exposed skin from my black mini skirt I pulled my sweater around me tighter and walked faster.Shit I'm gonna be late I thought just as I turned the corner and saw the school I started running towards the torturous prison.Loosen up Alexandra your turned 18 today I smiled at the thought this would be my last year in school. I pulled out my mirror and looked at it my silky long black hair was still perfectly smooth and straight I looked at my bright green eyes. Why don't I have a boyfriend?...


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Mat Billy and the dogs 9

CHAPTER 9 100% FICTION The boys were asleep when both dogs decided they were wanting to have seconds. They both woke up with a dogs tongue in their ass licking deep. Mat told Billy he is lucky to have Butch because his ass still hurts from last time. Jake is first to mount on top of Mat but this time Mat was laying face down. Jake did exactly as he did before and climbed over top of Mat and laid down. His penis was big and growing. Mat decided he was not going to give in so easy this time because...


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Silent and Breathless

Silent and Breathless Its tammy's house. Shes having a party. When I get there I can tell shes a little tipsy... louder than usual. I get the regular greeting. She jumps up and wraps her legs around me when she sees me. She tells me she misses my "stupid face" then offers me a drink. The rest of her little Blow Out crew are there. Sage, and a couple other dancers too. I know its her house, but I don't know how she pays for it. Really nice, too nice for someone our age. I make the rounds around the house...


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Loving Babysitter Part 1 revision

It all started when I was 16. I remember it like it just happened, how could I ever forget? My parents were going out of town for a few days, moving trucks. My older brother was staying with my aunt, and I insisted I was old enough to take care of myself. However, my parents gave me a big fat no as the answer. They knew I didn’t do well spending long periods of time alone. They asked one of my dads friends, Jamie, to stay with me while they were gone. Jamie was 28. I always thought she was kind...


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Little Mac-Daddy

“TAG, YOU’RE IT!!!” Bloo slaps Mac on the back of his head, before scurrying off down the hall of Foster’s House. Mac rubs his head and chases after him. They run in & out of the multiple rooms of the house, over furniture and past fellow housemates. The chase spills back out into the hallway as the two speed past the bathroom, where Frankie is seen wearing a tight, strapless Black Dress. She’s standing in front of the mirror applying lipstick to her lips, getting ready for a date. Mac begins to catch up to Bloo as they round the corner...


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Adopted brother new life part 1

Hi my name is Shawn Roberts I am a 19 year old, (turning 20July 2nd), 5’10, African American, with short, black hair black eyes(Dark brown but seem pitch black). I’m going tell you an interesting story on how my sex life changed during high school. Hey Shawn! I heard a voice call my name from a distance while I was a track practice. I looked towards the distance and saw my 3 closest girl best friends. They all are ridiculously gorgeous (lucky me). I finished my lap and cut through the football field to see what was up. The girl that...


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A girl learns her lesson

Trudging back toward the stables, Katy wondered if this job was really worth all the effort. She had had a long walk and now it was starting to rain. She was going to get soaked in the last mile. She tugged at the dog’s leash and started to jog back to the farm and shelter. She had been working at the riding school for six weeks now and the summer holidays were almost over. This was the start of her last week. The job wasn’t terribly well paid, but then Mrs. Johnson, the owner of the riding school allowed Katy to...


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The Cabin (PT 1)

“Hurry up we already 20 minutes late”, yelled Zodais from the drivers seat of his new 2009 Dodge Durango. While playing with his new GPS system. His best friend Dontay sipped his Gatorade and said “why cant females ever be on time man I swear”, “ha-ha isn’t that that the truth” responded Zodais ready to answer back to him when he saw the front door of the bright blue house open and saw the most beautiful woman stepped out. “Damn my baby looks good today” he said to Dontay. He looked to the direction Zodais was staring and saw the girls...


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The Internet Cherry

I remember getting my first AOL Massager when I was 11 years old. I know computers were out way before then but I lived a sheltered life and it was the first time my mom even considered getting us a computer. It wasn’t long before I fell hard for the internet and everything it offered. It all started when I got bored and found a game site where you could play board games and talk to people right there online. The chatting soon directed me to chat rooms and anyone who would talk to an 11 year old female. The normal...


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