Sarah meets a madman

Sarah meets a madman

Sarah meets a madman

When they let me go, they said that I was no longer a danger to myself or others. Five victims in five different states later may have convinced them to revise their opinion. The pictures of me that they show on TV were taken years ago when they first caught me. They do show a drawing of what some artist thinks that I may look like if I were to grow a beard. It is amazing how little it looks like me. I rather like my beard. By the time that you reach my age they say you have the face that you deserve. And when your heart is as filled with pure darkness as mine is, it does tend to give you a face that people don’t trust. But when I cover it with some facial hair, they think of me as harmless.

As would any intelligent predator, I make a study of both my prey and those who want to thwart my pleasures. I am sitting in a motel room watching the story about a policeman that I had to dispose of two days ago. I just don’t do traffic stops. But killing quickly isn’t fun. I only do it when necessary. I am willing to admit that the cop as well as the cop’s wife and children may disagree with me about what is or is not necessary, but I was the one with the gun.

A slow killing is my art form. And like many of the great artists of the past, I am drawn to the female nude. Thanks to a certain little blue pill, I was able to suffocate (with a plastic bag) and revive the young lady on the bed here for over three hours. I had my dick inside of the cunt while she was suffocating; just as she was about to expire her body would go into convulsions which pleasured my dick to no ends. I would then revive her and do it again and again. When I felt ready to really come, I literally fucked the life right out of her. The cops took all my treasures when they fist caught me, but since being released, I have restarted my collection. I took the bar from the nipple piercing of my last girl. I think it is ok for me to call them “my girls.” After all, I do give them the fuck of their lives.

I’ve been watching a new one for awhile. She wears really tight jeans and there is no panty line. Clearly she is nothing more than a slut. And I know how to treat sluts. I’ve learned from following her that she lives alone in her own house in an upscale neighborhood; another fucking rich bitch that deserves to be taken down a peg or two or three. Even imagining the pain on her face when I hurt her made me hard. I was really ready to enjoy this cunt. It was time for me to have a new playmate.

As she was pulling her new Audi out of a store parking lot, I moved in front of the car, and flashed the badge I took from the cop I ran into earlier. I mean he had no more need for it, and didn’t object when I removed it from his body, so I guess he was finished with it. She stopped.

“Please step out of the car, Madam,” I ordered.

“What’s the matter, officer,” she asked as she got out of her car.

“Spread em,” I commanded as I pushed her against her Audi. She obeyed, and after gently running my hands over her, I pulled her arms behind her, and locked her wrists with the late policeman’s handcuffs. I marched her around to the passenger side of her car, and guided her into the seat. I went around to the other side, and took the driver’s seat, started the car, and away we go.

“You are not really a police officer, are you,” she asked. By way of an answer, I reached into her top and squeezed one of her nipples. The cunt was too much of a slut to wear a bra. I squeezed harder till she gasped in pain.

“Are you wet?”

“Wha,” was all she got out before I twisted her nipple enough to bring tears.

“When I ask, you answer. Are you wet?”

“Yes,” she answered with a bit of shame in her voice.

“Figures,” I said, as I pulled into her driveway.”I know that there is an alarm system,” I said, showing her keys, “Which one is for the door?”

She pointed out the key and told me that there was indeed an alarm system, but it was not turned on. God, these bitches can be so dumb.

I asked her if she wanted to live and she indicated that she did. “If you do anything tricky, I will kill you. I killed a cop a couple days ago, so you are no use to me as a hostage. They will never let me go. Fuck with me and I will kill you. Let me use you, and you may live. Your choice, dignity or slavery; which do you choose?”

“Slavery, I will obey.”

“Never had one choose death yet. Whatever happened to death before dishonor? Get out of those clothes, and let me see what I got for today’s fun and games.”

Soon she was standing before me with her legs spread and hands behind her head. I liked the hang of her tits. They were crying out for mistreatment. I almost came when I first thrust my fingers into her moist pussy. She cried out. I just love to hear them cry and whimper.

“Just what I would expect from a whore bitch in heat,” I said, and made her lead me to her bedroom on her hands and knees. Once we were there, I sat on the edge of the bed and let her blow me for awhile. After a few strokes I realized that she was getting off on it! It’s not supposed to be like that. I’m here to hurt them; not give them pleasure. I pulled out of her and ordered her onto the bed. I cut up some pillow cases to use for rope, and tied her arms to the head posts. Then I tied her feet to the same head posts. I undressed set down my gun and knife, and crawled onto the bed and looked down at her. She was looking back at me through her legs. Her asshole and pussy were facing almost straight up. I wondered if I could work my whole hand into her vagina. With a little effort I was soon fisting her to orgasm. She was really something to watch when she came and came and came.

“I’m glad that you enjoyed that, Slut. That was the last time that you are ever going to come in this life.” I guess she was still in the glow of coming, because her entire reaction was a gentle sigh. I started to wrap a piece of cut up pillow case around her neck, when something happened and I was on the floor. It took me a moment but I remembered being hit with a taser when I was locked up. A heavy weight was on my back, pinning me to the floor, while my hands were cuffed behind my back. A rope was tied around my ankles and brought my legs up to my hands. An older man was sitting nude on the bed looking down at me.

“I’ve been watching you for awhile, son. I don’t know how long you have been locked away, but when the sign in front of the house says, ‘Security,’ you have to just assume that there are cameras someplace. I’ve been watching you stake out this place for the past week. And as soon as I figured that you are you, I decided that I might as well have some fun. Now Sarah, here,” the man slapped her on the cunt, “she wasn’t too happy with the idea of letting you control her even for a second, but I had you pegged from the time you turned on the car.”

“But son,” he went on. “You don’t just waste a fine pussy like this. You did a good job on the ties, I’ll give you that, but if you looked around downstairs you would have found our play room. I was sort of cheering for you there. And after putting her in a good condition, you were just going to kill her? Son, that is just downright in bad taste,” he said as he picked up a flogger, “When you got yourself a pussy all exposed like this, what you want to do son, is brighten the color up some. You want to get those lips real rosy red.” He brought down the flogger and Sarah; he said her name was “Sarah” screamed. He then slapped her pussy with his open hand. He wasn’t playing games, as the next strike of the flogger showed. The old man was slapping her pussy lips with the flogger. Soon she was well tanned and showing a rosy pink. It also showed the old man was enjoying his work. I was getting hard watching him getting hard tanning her pussy with that flogger. The old man got off the bed and spread my legs and brought the flogger full force down on my balls. He worked over the insides of my legs and my nuts. I admit it, I was sobbing for him to stop.
He went back to the woman. He patted her pussy and spread it open. The woman’s pussy was raw and yet she was responding to him again. I began to rub myself on the floor, but the pain was too much. He really hurt my balls. I heard her asking him to fuck her. With that punished pussy? He stood over her and entered her by squatting down and fucking her from above. He used my knife to free her feet while he was still in her. He left her hands tied and proceeded to comfortably fuck her; though he was rough, and every time he slammed into her pussy, I could see the waves of pain pass through her and come out of her mouth as sound. But she was grinding her pussy into him. I watched her wrap her legs around him as they came. I cried. She wasn’t supposed to come again. She was supposed to be mine. She was supposed to be dead! Fuck! It just wasn’t fair.

He cut her free and she fell on his cock licking and kissing it. It was enough to make a decent person sick.
“Her cunt is full of her juice and my cum,” the man said to me as he set his taser on low and hit me in my swelling balls with it. He grabbed me by the back of the neck and pushed my face into her pussy. “Suck and swallow,” the man commanded, and after be tased again, I obeyed, and drank their love juices from the whore’s dirty snatch.

The man had her clean my face and wash out my mouth as he called the police. After washing me, the woman freed my legs and led me downstairs and got dressed. I was left nude. I was shoved from behind by the man and fell on my face.

“I don’t want him standing,” he said to the woman.

The woman had just finished lacing up her boots. She walked over to be and kicked me in the ribs several times. I could feel my ribs brake as I screamed. God help me, when she put her boot in front of my face, I kissed it.

“You made the mistake of thinking that sensuality equals weakness. This particular female just happens to be mine and is a warrior. She could have taken you out when you stopped her car, but we decided to have some fun with you before turning you in.”

I tried to tell the police that I had been kidnapped and sexually assaulted but they seemed to take it as a joke. The man admitted that he may have gotten carried away a bit when he found a known cop killer about to rape his woman.

The cops thought that the man acted reasonably. They didn’t believe that he would fuck her in front of me. They laughed when I told how I was forced to eat her out. No one cared that I was violated!
That’s my statement. Have them type it up and I will sign it. Just promise me that you won’t let any of this get back to the boys in the institution. If they every found out how I had been used, I wouldn’t last a week.


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