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Birthday Fuck Up

As I walked to school the cold nipped my exposed skin from my black mini skirt I pulled my sweater around me tighter and walked faster.Shit I'm gonna be late I thought just as I turned the corner and saw the school I started running towards the torturous prison.Loosen up Alexandra your turned 18 today I smiled at the thought this would be my last year in school. I pulled out my mirror and looked at it my silky long black hair was still perfectly smooth and straight I looked at my bright green eyes. Why don't I have a boyfriend?...


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Mat Billy and the dogs 9

CHAPTER 9 100% FICTION The boys were asleep when both dogs decided they were wanting to have seconds. They both woke up with a dogs tongue in their ass licking deep. Mat told Billy he is lucky to have Butch because his ass still hurts from last time. Jake is first to mount on top of Mat but this time Mat was laying face down. Jake did exactly as he did before and climbed over top of Mat and laid down. His penis was big and growing. Mat decided he was not going to give in so easy this time because...


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Silent and Breathless

Silent and Breathless Its tammy's house. Shes having a party. When I get there I can tell shes a little tipsy... louder than usual. I get the regular greeting. She jumps up and wraps her legs around me when she sees me. She tells me she misses my "stupid face" then offers me a drink. The rest of her little Blow Out crew are there. Sage, and a couple other dancers too. I know its her house, but I don't know how she pays for it. Really nice, too nice for someone our age. I make the rounds around the house...


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Asmodeus - Demon of Lust: Part 9_(0)

A/N - It has been a long time folks, I've missed you all. I'd like to say a huge thank you for everyone who has supported me over the years. As I have mentioned in a comment in Part 8, I haven't been well for a while and have been writing sparingly over the past two years. I've made you all wait so long for another chapter that I have decided to release this early. I had wanted to add more to it first but - having thought about just how large this extra text would be (and subsequently how long...


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Twelve Days a Slave 2 of 13

Vicki, a young woman who works for a large department store, figures out a way to bypass the electronic return tags on expensive dresses sold by the store where she works . This allows her to buy dresses on a Friday, wear them to events over the weekend, and return them on Monday. When a very expensive dress she is wearing is ruined at a party, everything unravels. She will be charged for the dress and can in no way afford to pay for it. A young man she recently met gives her a program that will allow her to remove...


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Andy and Me

I woke up cuddled up against my dog, Andy. The rain was pouring down outside, rhythmically hitting the window and pounding on the roof. A clap of thunder resounded through the house making Andy cower under the covers and snuggle closer to me. I cooed quietly to him while patting him, trying to calm him down. He never did like thunderstorms. Thank god I didn’t have to work today anyway. I didn’t think I would get into work with the way the rain was pouring down. Few more hours of this heavy rain and it will start flooding. The thought excited...


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Laws of Attraction: The Playgirl

FACEBOOK NOTE Monday, September 7 2015 5.13 AM Pacific Time Attraction has got laws too—like a ‘bitch’ dog wants certain principles followed before she goes on hit and starts having intercourse anyhow. From my perspective, these are the major Laws of Attraction I picked up from experimenting with both love and sex. 1. Never ask a man for sex. Yes, you got me right. Men don't like it when women ask them for sex. They will pretend they have not heard what you said correctly, or switch the topic immediately, or tell you they aren’t in the mood for that type...


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Do as i say 3

I am 18 when this all took place Chapter 3 As James walked towards Christine, she began to shout for help. She screamed for her friends to help her. Then she continued to scream that she was getting raped. Shut the fuck up bitch and stop taking a shit your stinking up the whole place! Now like Sandra Christine open and closed her mouth but no sound came out. You see bitch I have an almighty power, I can make you shit everything you ate, and I can make you keep on eating until you are about five times fatter than...


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McKenzie Shares; Pt 2

Sylvia knocked on the door and when McKenzie opened it she asked, "You ready", "What do you need to talk to me about Syl, where’s Ryan?" "He’s working and he’s very upset and we need to talk so come on" Syl replies.. She follows Mac out the door and they get in her dads truck and leave. "What’s wrong, what’s Ryan upset about", she asks Syl? She tells her what Ryan saw and says, "He’s really upset because he thinks Austin forced you to fuck him but he didn’t did he?" “No", she answers, her face turning beet red as she...


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Sleeping Sister Part 3

I must of fell asleep because when I woke up my sister was gone. I checked my phone it was only 8am, I was about to get out of bed when my mom walked in, my mom is 5'2 and around 85 pounds. She also has long black hair with pretty green eyes. "Hey I'm going to the store, do you need anything?" "Nah mom I'm alright, why isn't dad going to the store with you?" "Oh I thought you knew, your dad went on a work trip, he'll be back in a week." I pretended like I went back asleep...


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