RUNAWAY Chapter 19 "Toke and Relax"

RUNAWAY Chapter 19 "Toke and Relax"

She woke when she felt him bring the truck to a stop glad she wasn't still in her nightmare and after looking through the windshield saw they were once again in another rest stop. "I see you are awake Sleeping beauty. Time for a stop, smoke and a couple hours of sleep don't you think Senorita" he asked? "Sure" she agreed with a yawn. They both got out of the truck and she headed to the ladies room for a potty break. When she got back he had the two chairs out and he was seated smoking a joint and also had a cooler out and a beer in his hand, "Would you like Cerveza" he asked holding up a green can with two large green letter X? Sammi wasn't sure what it was but assumed it was beer. She considered telling him no but thought that might come across as rude so instead, knowing she could just drink a little she said, "Sure." Jose quickly opened the cooler, took out another green can, set his beer on top of the cooler, opened the can he just took out and handed it to her. "Thank you" she said, took a sip of the beer and sat down. "Denada" he said and winked at her then asked, "Would you like a hit?" He held out the joint to her offering it to her. She didn't want to smoke dope so she answered, "No thank you." She sipped her beer and let out a sigh relaxing and enjoying the night air. At one point, completely unexpectedly, Jose stood up, walked around the two chairs and then when standing behind and to one side of Sammi he took hold of her hair on the back of her head, with two fingers of his other hand under her chin he used the handful of her hair and her chin and tilted her head back and pushed his lips to her mouth. Like she always did she instinctually opened her mouth to let him French kiss her. He started French kissing her but within a second of the kiss starting he blew a full toke of the pot smoke into her mouth. He broke the kiss when she coughed and he laughed trying to make it a light moment but she wasn't very happy about it. But he stayed on his feet and massaged her shoulders and after just a few minutes did the same thing again pulling her head, lifting her chin and then kissing her and blowing a mouth full of smoke into her mouth. Again only when she coughed did he break the kiss. He then moved behind her, gave her a minute to catch her breath but then once again forced her head back. But this time once he had her head tilted back he put the joint to her mouth and carefully pinched her nose closed. Sammi didn't want to smoke the pot but with everything she had been through with Roger and his 'friends' she had learned to be compliant to men. Jose was trying to get the young woman to try smoking the pot after she had already resisted his verbal offers but he was more trying to encourage her rather then to force her. If she had fought back at all he would not have forced her, but she had no way to know that. So to his delight she did what he wanted and inhaled on the joint. The moment she did he let go of her nose and she coughed a little bit after getting a good hit on the joint. He kissed her forehead and said, "Now that's better." He let go of her and walked back to his chair and sat down and took a big drink of his beer. She gave him an annoyed glare but after several minutes she felt a waive of relaxation come over her. The joint was down to a tiny nub and one more time he offered it to Sammi. Sammi thought about how much she missed Joseph and Ol'Jack and thought about many of the things that she had done with so many men and she was tired of fighting and resisting. Jose wanted her to take another hit on the joint so that's exactly what she did before passing it back to him. He took a few more draws on the joint before smashing it into the pavement and they sat a bit longer till he finished one more beer. He then asked her, "Ready to head to bed?" She replied, "Sure" and they both got up and folded up their chairs and he loaded them into the truck where he kept them. They both then got into the truck. Once they were up in the truck he put a sunscreen in his windshield to minimize the lights from the rest stop. He then stated moving towards the sleeper but as he did he took hold of first one of her wrists and then the other. She quickly replied, "No Jose, I'll sleep out here." But Jose did not take no for an answer. He wasn't aggressive, but he was relentless and used his weight advantage to keep pulling her into the sleeper. He didn't stop until she was in the sleeper ignoring her verbal protests. Once he had her there he started pulling at her clothes to undress her. "Jose, stop. Don't, I don't want to do this" she protested. "Shhhh It's okay. Just relax" he replied continuing to pull at her clothing. She was resisting passively but didn't find the energy to fight hard. Before not too long he had her shoes, shirt and shorts off. Once he had her down to her bra and panties he started kissing her again. Sammi tried to resist the kiss at first turning her face away but he just kissed her cheek and ear and then firmly with a few fingers tried to turn her face back to his. She whined, "Jose, don't" but again he was unrelenting until she gave up and let him kiss her mouth. He was very smooth and at some point unhooked her bra and she didn't realize it till her bra was part way down one arm. Soon after getting her bra off her arms he quickly tugged her panties down. "Jose I just want to get some sleep please stop" she protested but he continued to kiss her face and mouth and his hands gently rubbed her breasts and pinched and pulled at her nipples. Sammi was feeling the effects of the marijuana and was tired. Unlike Roger and his 'friends', Jose wasn't hitting or hurting her. While she was trying to push him away with her arms and legs she wasn't in full flight mode and his superior size, strength and persistence just continued to wear her down. She knew what he wanted to do so as a last ditch effort she tried to keep her legs together but he worked to get first one knee and then his other between her legs. He then surprised her by kneeling and lifting his upper body off hers, using his hands to lift her hips up and suddenly she felt his cock push against and then begin to penetrate her. One last time she begged him but not in a loud voice, "Jose, please stop. I don't want to do this." But despite her protest he continued to push inside her and once he was partway in he let go of her hips and once again laid on top of her and began kissing her face, "Shhhh it's okay baby. It'll help us sleep better" he whispered in her ear and kissed all around her ear, cheek, neck and all around her face. What bothered Sammi more then knowing another man was raping her was the fact that with all the kissing of her face, neck, ear and lips, with all the breast caressing and gentle pinching and pulling, his cock penetrating her sex felt good. Despite all her protests and no emotion connection to Jose whatsoever his penetration inside her seemed to fill a desire or need she had and without thought or conscious decision she felt herself pull both her knees up. Doing so allowed his cock to penetrate quite a bit deeper on his next thrust and horrified her with how satisfying that penetration felt. She very softly one more time begged, "Please stop!" But he just thrust harder and whispered, "Not yet Mija" and continued to thrust in and out working deeper with each thrust. Sammi felt an overwhelming awareness of shame. Not because she was being raped again but because she felt her body responding to the sex. It bothered her even more that she wanted to do this with Joseph so badly yet the flashbacks she had caused her to freeze up and because of that he stopped. Jose was not the type of man who ever thought about raping a woman. He had certainly had his share of sexual encounters with woman who played hard to get but none like with this young woman. It was not only the fact that she verbally said , "No. Stop and Don't" but also the way that she used her legs, arms and hands to push him away to try to stop him from advancing yet at the same time while her resistance seemed genuine she didn't have the strength to keep him from taking what he wanted. But the physical exertion he expelled to overcome her limited strength was invigorating and stimulating. He never experienced such a powerful aphrodisiac like the physical sexual battle with her and despite his Catholic upbringing and his respect for his mother he never experienced anything so erotic and arousing like overpowering this young woman. He was confident her body was also responding to what he was doing but she was still saying no, stop and don't but he was already inside her and it was the best sex he ever had so he continued to fuck the beautiful young woman. Regardless of the fact that Sammi felt such shame she couldn't fully keep the thoughts of her past out of her mind. Viktor had gotten into her head and had broken down her pride to the point where she understood that she could use her body to pleasure men. By doing so they would be less entertained by hurting her because in the end all they truly wanted was to cum somewhere inside her body. What frightened her even more was that even with pain she could still experience physical pleasure even if she didn't choose to have sex and was being raped. She didn't fully understand it till now. Viktor had whispered so many things into her ear while Dwayne was fucking her for the second time and regardless of being so sore they stimulated her body in ways that caused her to respond just as Jose was doing now. She even learned that by moving and tightening her muscles she could help the man inside her cum sooner, it was at this moment she also realized that she could also delay his orgasm to extend the physical sensations and desires she was experiencing. She hated herself for doing exactly that with Jose now delaying his orgasm as she continued to feel him moving inside her while kissing her neck, cheek and ear. She knew she had told him no, stop and don't yet he did it anyway and was still inside her and she hated him for that but she hated herself even more because like Viktor had helped teach her, if she responded it could satisfy a need in her body too no matter who the man was or if she wanted it. She could feel him moving harder and faster to cum but just by moving her hips back with his in thrusts and forward when he pulled his hips back it reduced the friction on his cock and delayed his orgasm. He lasted much longer then he would have thought until he started using more of his weight and strength to pound her into the mattress in the sleeper. She finally stopped moving to delay his orgasm and the force and effort he used hurt her hips and lower back but caused him to penetrate her more then he ever had and despite the pain it felt incredible and she drew her knees up higher curling and pointing her toes as he pounded her against the thin sleeper mattress. He sudden took hold of her arms and pinned her to the mattress and kissed her as hard and aggressive as she had ever been and he used every ounce of his weight and strength to pound her into the mattress. Finally his balls tightened and he began to cum over and over inside the beautiful young hitchhiker. They were both breathing hard and sweaty from the physical exertion. Within just a few minutes after he came he rolled off her to the side and fell asleep. Sammi felt such shame and anger with herself and the fact that it felt sexually stimulating made her feel even worse and dirty and filthy. And she cried feeling guilty about not being with Joseph. Eventually tiredness won out and she fell asleep. She had barely slept just under three hours when she woke and realized he was not in the sleeper and that the truck was on the road moving. She found her clothes and got dressed and came back into the front of the cab. She was caught off guard when she looked out the windows it was still dark outside, "What time is it?" He looked at the clock on his dash, "Just a bit after 3 AM. I'm getting close to my turn off towards the South to my customer's location but it's about two hours off the highway Northwest. You're welcome to stay with me, Mija but I know you said you were going Northwest so if you want to continue in that direction I can drop you before turning South." She was a bit taken-a-back by how suddenly he sprung it on her so it took her a moment to think about what he said. She didn't really want to head South with him and get off the major highway, if she had wanted to do something like that she could have stayed with Joseph. So after thinking about it a couple minutes she responded, "I definitely want to continue Northwest so if you can drop me somewhere safe on the highway that'd be great." "You got it Senorita" he replied. He drove for another hour and a half before pulling over on the side of the highway by several gas stations, "This look okay my turn off is the next exit?" She looked out of the windshield distressed that it wasn't daylight yet and she hadn't had a shower since they had sex. "Sure" she replied not sure what else to say. She gathered her duffel beg and backpack and then climbed down out of the truck, waiving as he put the truck back into gear and pulled away leaving her there standing alone in the dark.

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