The thristy traveler

The thristy traveler

Please stick along for this story for it will take some to spin this tale of how things came to be.

I gazed upon her chest heaving in the flickering dim light of the motel. All I got from her was her name was Mary and she was a run away from out of Mississippi. She had made it a very good distance before she came upon my car and asked for a ride. Little did she know that would be the very last time she hitch-hiked. As she began to stir from her slumber I tried not to think of the memories that had led me here to this little town in Louisiana and led me to Mary. The things that attracted me to her were her long blonde hair and her soft blue eyes. She reminded me of Sarah, a girl who it seemed I knew lifetimes ago. I began to wonder if I could take her life and drink her blood like the foul demon I was. I had no value for the human kind anymore and all they were to me were a food supply. I was hungry and alone with a tasty human who would supply everything I needed that night in order to feel alive yet again

She awoke and pulled me from my deep thought as she tried to let out a scream, but soon discovered she was bound with rope and gagged with her socks. I walked to the bed and sat beside her, and enjoyed the look of pure fear I saw in her eyes as I got closer. I ran my hand across her face, which caused her to jerk away with disgust. I smiled in my most polite manner and smacked her across the face sending her sailing off the bed, ten feet away onto the hard floor. Before her mind could even register what had just happened I was on top of her with my fangs out smiling at her. The feeling of fear that spread across her face as she realized what I was, caused the blood to pump through my long dead body. My cock engorged with blood at the sight of primal fear in this girl and I knew I was going to have her as I pleased before my fun was over. I was going to fuck her like no mortal man ever could.

In a flash I tore open her shirt and ripped her jeans and admired her toned figure as she was a mortal that valued her appreance. There were beginning signs of mal-nutrition, most likely from her poor diet of being a run away. She had long shapely legs they were toned as well. There was something else there to her female odor was present it was strong in the air, it would have been almost un-noticeable to a mere human but with my much better sense of smell I could smell it. It filled my nostrils and drove my senses insane with its lovely aroma. In one tug her bra was gone and before me were the most beautiful set of breasts I have ever seen. They were not as dark as the skin around them; they were topped with dark nipples and areolas. I looked into her eyes and leaned down to snake my tongue first the left then the right. Her breathing had quickened some and I could hear her heart speeding up. I ran my tongue across her nipples again one last time and began kissing and licking my way down to her sacred area.

I stopped at her belly button and flicked my tongue inside it which caused a muffled moan to escape through her gag. This slut liked what I was doing; she knew what I was and what her fate was going to be and she still loved it. I ripped her drenched panties from her body and the moment I did the scent flooded my nose full force and I could not help myself anymore I dove in and latched my mouth on her pussy and sucked and licked all over it. She was moaning and shaking all over the floor as she felt what I was doing. I began to circle her clit with my tongue faster than any mortal could, as I did this she began convulsing on the floor and her back arched just as her eyes rolled back in her head. I rubbed her clit with my fingers as I snaked my tongue down to her puckered asshole. Her eyes flew open as she let out a muffled scream as she orgasmed. I ran my tongue from her asshole to her pussy to taste the sweet juices that were coming from it. When it seemed she had calmed down enough, I slipped my hard seven inch cock from my pants and stroked it as her eyes grew wide and she began yelling a muffled no into her gag.

This mortal thought I was going to give her all the pleasure; she has another thing coming for her. I pulled the socks from her mouth and before she could scream or plead I grabbed her head and forced my cock into her mouth. I began pumping in and out of her mouth growing faster and faster with every stroke. Our cum is much sweeter than a mortals it has been described as tasting of cotton candy and burning like whiskey when swallowed. She learned quickly that trying to pleasure me was futile it was better to just let me do what I wanted. I felt the tightening in my balls and knew I would cum soon, so I pulled out and jacked my cock faster than ever seen and came in her mouth. She seemed to love the taste and she swallowed it down, as she did this she began coughing violently. My cock was still hard so I shoved the socks back in her mouth and picked her up with no effort and carried her bound body to the bed.

After readjusting the ropes on her arms to each bed post I was ready to fuck this breakable human. I slammed my cock in her pussy without a care if I broke her or not she was my fuck toy and I was going to use her up. She screamed into the gag as I pounded away into her and sucked on her nipple like a nursing child. She was hot, wet, and tight around my cock and I loved every second of it. I wanted to feel this entire mortal woman, so I spat into my hand and rubbed her asshole and she flinched knowing what was coming. I pulled out of her sore cunt and forced the head of my cock into her tight asshole, due to the tightness I was almost sure she was a virgin there. She kept shaking her head no as I slid into her asshole deeper and deeper. After one final push I was fully inside her asshole and began pumping away like a mad man before her asshole had a moment to adjust. She screamed into her gag, most likely pleading with me to stop. I was not going to stop raping this mortal I was going to use her until I broke her or she was dead whichever came first it truly made no difference to me.

I pulled out of her tore and wide open anus and the smell of a small amount of blood filled my nose and I lost it. I slammed back into her pussy, cracking her hip in the process causing her to let out a muffled scream into the gag and tears to flow from her eyes. I looked into her eyes as I slammed into her and I saw what I desired I saw fear, I saw anger, and I saw what I most wanted, pain. I felt the stirring in my balls yet again and I knew this was going to be it. I pulled out and slammed into her asshole one last time and started Cumming. I pulled and came on her pussy and across her titties with a few ropes of cum and sent the last few drops onto her face. I stood back to admire what I had done to this helpless human girl. I had satisfied my sexual hunger and now I was hungry for more than pussy

I gazed upon her bruised and broken body with slight remorse not for the human, only because I still felt dead inside I could not feel alive anymore even though I was dead. I wanted to feel happy and smile with true emotion once again like I once did with Sarah. Why Mary should feel happy, why should she be able to feel alive? My anger in me rose and I snatched Mary off the bed, breaking the head board were the ropes were tied and breaking her wrists. I truly hated her for being able to feel alive and in a fit of rage I punched in the ribs causing here to scream into the gag and more tears to flow. Her eyes fluttered as if she would black out from the pain. I shook her violently so she couldn’t black out and I sank my fangs deep into her neck. The blood poured into my mouth and I could “taste” her memories and her pain. I drank my fill as the struggle in her slowly faded away and her eyes slowly closed. The color faded from her skin and her heart slowed and then stopped and I knew she was dead.

I wrapped her body up in the bed sheets and hoisted it over my shoulder with great ease and walked out the room. I walked to my truck and threw the body in the back and walked back to pay for the room. I wiped the blood from my mouth and approached the counter were the young man was I meet earlier when I purchased the room. I say young but the man was in his sixties at least, I was way older in a way but looked much younger than him. I gave him the key and I knew he knew what I was and only gave a fake smile and slide the rest of the money to him. I left with dear Mary in the back of the truck, as I drove down the road. I got to a good enough place walked into the swamp and pulled her out of the sheets and dumped her off in the water and watched the gators slowly approach and fight over her lifeless body. In a way I felt like them hungry and having no true purpose but death. I tossed the sheets in a ditch as the rain poured down.

I knew the rain would wash the mud into the ditch to cover my tracks. I walked back to the truck and got inside as the rain poured down harder. I drove down the road with the windows rolled down as the breeze rolled in and the night air was alive with music of the creatures. I was getting a bit tired after a bit of traveling and much to my delight I saw a house in the distance with lights on. I pulled in and walked up onto the porch and knocked. After a while a woman answered the door and beckoned me in from the cold rain and offered me fresh clothes and a shower. I took them gladly and began washing the mud off of me. I slipped into the guest bed and began to drift off when there was a banging on the front door. I heard cussing and yelling from a drunken man downstairs. Even though I could not see I heard the smack and the woman clatter to the floor. This man was angry and I was hungry
*******************************************************************************************************************part 2??

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