The Greatwar 3033 Part 5: Jack find something out

The Greatwar 3033 Part 5: Jack find something out

It had been a little over a month since Jack had the visit from his old friend and as they were more than a few light years away from earth, they had a few more visits just to say goodbye to friends and family, as they would be gone for awhile after that they were left completely alone, but life on the massive ship carried on as normal. They had already gone passed two system sending out messages to anyone in the system hoping for a reply that never came, at first they thought it was because they were pre-eletronic race and couldn’t get the messages but after scanning some of the planets, they would every so often get a blip on the sensor scan but it would all was turn out to be either a comet or a stray piece of rock floating through space.

The captain tried to hit on Jack a few times to which Jack was completely oblivious to as he had his eyes set on something else. True to his word Jack did give Lucie back her bow and even asked her to explain the weapon to her as he never found arrows with it, of course she told him how the bow work and even asked him if he wanted to fire the bow, he said that he pulled the string once when he found it but nothing happened even when he let the sting go. Lucie was surprised by this as whenever she pulled the string an arrow formed but she never let the sting go in fear of blowing a hole in the ship and killing her alone with the crew and the person she loved.

After going through yet another system with again no reposes from the messages, the captain was getting rather annoyed as every time the sent out the message the sensor would beep before saying it was nothing. Jack had taking Lucie to the train room to see what she could do, of course she had almost beaten him on a few occasion with him somehow winning every time.

“Jack, please tell me how you win every time?” Lucie asked Jack.

“I will when you beat me or when i decide that you need to know” Jack said to Lucie with a laugh.

“Oh come on please just tell me, if you do I will sleep with you.” Lucie said trying to toy with her partner.

“Hahaha oh Lucie I already sleep with you, you sleep in the same bed as me.” Jack told Lucie seeing a flaw in her tempting

“Ahhh now that's interesting,” said Lucie.

“Well lets get this match under way shall we” Jack said to Lucie as she tried to circle around him hoping for an opening.

“Ok, well if you let me win this one i will flash you” She said to Jack as she started to run towards him hoping to surprise him, to which it did nothing and she just ended up on her ass as she was flipped over his back.

“Will you going to have to try harder to tempt me” As jack said flipping her over his back hoping that she had learned her lesson from the last time she tried that.

“Ok well that’s not ominous is it?” Lucie asked half as a question and half as an answer.

Lucie charged Jack moving in a zigzag pattern hoping to surprise him to which it did, as she saw an opening and took her chance.

“oh you're learning aren't you?” Jack half asked Lucie see that her fell right into her trap and was already closing in on him, Jack think fast moved out of the way of Lucie’s Swing arm as she would hope that it would connect with his rib and knock him off balance to finish the match and win for once.

“Yes I am learnin!” she said grunting with the force that she put into the swing, she started to see that Jack had moved out of the way, trying to think fast but was too slow and was blindsided with Jack forearm

“Thank you for telling me that!” Jack said as he ran towards her swing his arm in an ark hoping that she wouldn’t see it coming to which she didn’t until it was too late, as it hit the side of her neck, wrapping it around her neck putting her on her knees in a chokehold ending that match for the 20th time that day.

“Oh come on you could at least let me win one match against you.” Lucie said in a huff looking pissed as her plan failed again.

“I will when you can beat me,” Jack said laughing as they went to get out of their sweaty clothes and have a shower.

“Anyway we need to go the the astrometrics room and see what the captain wants us to see” Jack said to Lucie, as he took of his shirt to and pants to get in the shower.

“Ok but i want a rematch and this with one arm tied behind your back.” Lucie said to jack as she too climb into the shower right next to him.

“oh come on that a bit unfair at less you could have to do something of similar manner” Jack asked Lucie expecting her to answer.

“No!, i've lost more that i wanted to lose I want to even it up abit so that what i could think of unless you want both your hand tied behind your back.” Lucie said to jack.

“Oh, i never thought you to be kinky.” Jack said.

“Jack?” Lucie asked timidly.

“Yes, and get dressed we have to go.” Jack said to her, to get her to move quicker as they had less than 30 mins to get to the room that had to go to which took just over 25 minutes to get to if you could run the length of the ship, Jack never understood why the put the bridge and astrometrics on to different ends of the ship

“Well i was wondering....” Lucie started to say but stop to try and word her words right,”Umm if you would go out with me?” Lucie asked him hope that he would not say no.

“Yes I would love to but some ground rules first.” Jack said put on some clothes.
“First I want you to be completely open to me,”
“Second no secrets”
“Third no cheating on me and vise versa.” Jack said each rule out to Lucie waiting for her to nod.

“Thank you i won’t betray your trust.” Lucie said to Jack as they both walk out of the shower room.

Jack and Lucie left the shower room when, Lucie asked Jack why he didn’t try to lift the weapon that was given to him, jack just said that he didn’t want it to fall through the ship and make a hole if he dropped it or throwing his back out, seeing the logic Lucie left it at that as they were going to astrometrics to see what the captain had for them to do, Jack changed direction and started walking to his cabin, he didn't care if he was late the captain could take it out on him later all he wanted to do now was to see if he could pick up the weapon he got.

lucie not wanting to get lost in the ship followed him, as they entered Jacks room Lucie saw him pulling the wooden box down from above the door. Taking it over to his bed Jack opened the box to find not one but three weapons. Jack looked over the weapon from what he could tell there must of been one long sword and two daggers both the normal length. Going to pick up the dagger first think that because they were small he could pick them up first and not drop them, reaching out to pick up the two dagger jack found that the dagger were at the bottom of the case, sighing Jack reached for the long sword, pulling his hand back to think for a moment if this was a good idea, he saw that the sword was not the normal long sword that he had seen in books that he read, “This blade must be at less 80 cm long and around 5 inches from one side of the blade to the other at the base.” Jack said think to himself.
Looking over the blade further, he could see that the blade was cover in a thin lining of metal, that looked alive as it danced in the light, think it was just his mind playing trick on him he ignored it. Reaching out with his hand he hope that he wouldn’t feel his back give out or the sound of air escaping from the ship. closing his eye he reached for the blade and picked it up.
Lucie was the first to see the bladed chang from the sliver to a golden red with the silver liquid running around the blade in what looked like grooves cut into the blade. Jack heard Lucie gasp opened his eye to a sight that he thought he would not see for as long as he live which was a long time, looking over the blade further he could hear a humming coming from somewhere think it was Lucies bow he asked if she could take it off and put it in the other room doing what he asked she put the bow in the other run to come back to see jack with his eye glazed over but instead of the nice electric blue they were his eye was just white no pupil or iris to be seen, Lucie started to panic trying to think, Jack was still fine but was in a white room with the same kind of silver liquid running across the walls, Jack heard someone speak to him not able to pinpoint the sound Jack asked who he was speaking to the voice just said the blade, the blade was telling him things like if he was to use the weapon when he was not ready the weapon would kill him, the sword tell Jack everything about it self but its name, Jack picking up on this and asked the weapons name, the sword just told him the weapon had no name and Jack was to choose it for him. It had been almost 3 hours since Jack went into the coma, coming back to reality Jack could see that he was not in his room but in one of the many medical ward the ship had, looking around he spotted Lucie sitting next to him with red puffy eyes, like she had been crying looking around further jack could feel the blade in his hand and looked down to see that the weapon was floating just a few cm of the bed.
All this string wake Lucie up to see that her new boyfriend was ok and moving jumping up onto the bed, she started to kiss him say how worried she was and how much she loved him. Jack tried to remember what the weapon had said when he was hit with a name for the weapon, saying the name in his head he heard the familiar sound of the blade, he was so engrossed with the talking he didn’t hear the captain steep into the room and start to ask if he was ok. Jack realising that some one else was in the room he just said that he was hoping that was what he was asked he said the he need to get back to his cabin to get something before the captain raised his hand to stop jack and say that he saw the wooden box open on the bed and the sword in his hand, the captain even said the nurse tried the remove the weapon but every time they tried the weapon started to glow a blue colour and start to heat up.

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