For Better or Worse: Robert's Story

For Better or Worse: Robert's Story

Robert’s Story
Robert awoke that morning by an amazing sensation that he had not felt in a long time. He opened his eyes and looked down to see his wife, Janet, slowly sliding her mouth up and down his cock. She looked up when he woke up and smiled at him. She stopped what she was doing and moved up his body. She started kissing him as she straddled him, reaching down and guiding his cock into her. Once he was in, she sat up, and slowly started riding Robert’s cock. She reached down to take his hands, and pulled them up to her tits. Once he started rubbing her tits, she reached down and started to rub her clit as she rode him. Her long, curly, dark hair fell down her back, just touching his legs. As she started to ride him harder, moaning loudly, he couldn’t hold back much longer. As he felt her reach her orgasm, he pushed up into her, cumming hard as she came as well.

As they both finished cumming, Janet leaned back down, kissing Robert and thanking him. He thanked her back, as she moved off him, and headed to the bathroom to get ready for work. He was amazed at what had just happened. Janet had not been acting interested in sex for quite a long time. She had gained a bit of weight over the years, and she felt she was fat and ugly. While Robert would admit that she had gained some weight, he still thought she was a very beautiful and sexy woman. But she always argued with him, and hardly ever felt like she was sexy enough. Whatever the reason, he was glad for it, and wasn’t going to question it.

Robert got out of bed, and got ready to head to work. AS always, he dropped his daughter off at school on the way to his work. Throughout the day he thought about that morning, and hoped that this was a new turn of events in his marriage, and that maybe Janet was feeling better about herself again. Whatever the reason, he hoped it would continue. As he drove home, he again started to think about that morning.
He got home to find his daughter and a friend in the kitchen getting some snacks. He talked to them for a few minutes, and then headed into the den to work on some paperwork and check his emails. When Janet came home, she came into the den and asked how he was doing. He smiled, but said that Hailey was home with a friend. Janet seemed disappointed, but kissed him and headed into the kitchen. Hailey’s friend left just before dinner, and they had a very nice little dinner. After dinner was cleaned up, they went into the family room and watched their nightly television, before Hailey finally went to bed for the night.

Soon after, Robert headed off to bed as well. Soon, Janet came in to bed as well, in a sexy nightie she had not worn in a very long time. Janet and Robert were soon kissing passionately, her hand soon finding his quickly hardening cock. It wasn’t long until Janet was moving down the bed and hungrily sucking on Roberts cock. After a few minutes, she moved back up and began kissing him again. Robert flipped her onto her back, and slowly made his way down her body, kissing her breasts, then running his tongue around the nipple. Finally, he sucked her nipple into his mouth and started sucking, then lightly biting. Janet’s moans of pleasure drove him on down her body, kissing her stomach, and then down her right thigh. He lifted her leg and moved down until his mouth was on her pussy.

Robert began gently tonguing Janet’s clit, making her moan louder. He quickened his pace, and then moved his whole mouth over her clit, sucking on it, and biting it as he had done her nipples. It didn’t take long before Janet was crying out as she started to cum. After she had cum, she begged Robert to fuck her. He had not heard her say anything like that in a long time, and he quickly moved up and positioned himself between her legs. He slowly pushed into her, and she moaned loudly as he did. Soon he was pushing deep into her with long slow thrusts. After a bit, she started gasping, asking Robert to take her from behind. He pulled out, and she flipped over, laying her head down on the pillow and pushing her ass in the air. Robert guided his cock into her pussy, then grabbed her waist and pulled her back onto his cock. He began moving in and out of her, and she began begging for him to fuck her harder and faster. As he began pounding hard into her, she started moaning louder and louder. Robert was sure that Hailey would hear them if Janet kept it up, but it had been so long since they had had sex, he really didn’t care. In between moans Janet pushed herself up on her hands and knees and told Robert to pull her hair. He grabbed her long dark hair and started pulling her back onto his cock with it. Soon she was cumming hard, and it didn’t take him long from there to push deep into her as he started cumming hard as well.
They both lay down next to each other, and once again thanked one another, before they both soon drifted off to sleep.

The next week, Robert had to work out of town for a few days. Robert was a district manager of a retail chain store, and they were training a new store manager in another city. He came back on a Friday, and Hailey was spending the night with friends. It was late afternoon, and he was relaxing on the couch when Janet came home from work. At first she seemed a little surprised to see him, but then she was acting very excited that he was home. She came over to the couch and said, “you know, Hailey is gone for the evening…which means we can do whatever we want tonight,” she said smiling slyly. Robert, a bit surprised but happy, smiled and asked what she had in mind.

Janet straddled Robert on the couch, and started kissing him. She grabbed his hand and slid it up under her skirt. He found she was not wearing any panties, and at first this bugged him a bit, but her passionate kissing and her directness made him put the thought aside. As he slid his fingers into her pussy, he marveled at how wet she was. He couldn’t remember her ever being this wet before. Soon she was bouncing up and down on his fingers until she suddenly stopped and stood up just slightly. She quickly undid Roberts pants, and pulled them down as quickly as she could. She pulled her skirt up, and slid down on his cock. She madly bounced up and down on his cock until he couldn’t hold it any longer and he came hard as she continued to ride him. Once she finally came, she stepped off and went into the bathroom to clean up.

Robert wasn’t sure what to say the rest of the evening. He couldn’t recall ever having that kind of homecoming, but he wasn’t going to complain. Especially since they had sex three more times that night. Things seemed very good for the next couple of weeks for Robert. Janet seemed to be much hornier than she had in years, and was wanting sex at least every couple of nights. But, of course, all good things come to an end, and their sexual high did just that. Robert had to go away again for a two week stint. When he returned, he found out things were going to change soon. Janet informed him that she was pregnant.
Things for the most part seemed to go back to normal. Janet seemed to no longer be interested in sex once again. Robert was back in his normal groove, and was ready to give up all hope once again. Then, he was working on closing one of his local stores, when he had a quick fling with a girl at the mall. A few months later, he found out she was also pregnant, and a student at his daughters school. He was at a loss as to what he should do, but since the girl was not attempting to contact him, he decided that it was best to just leave it alone. However, one day, his daughter came to him and Janet and started talking about the girl, Heidi, and how her parents were kicking her out of the house, and she had no where to go. Janet immediately mentioned that they had the small apartment type room over the garage, and Heidi could come stay there if she wanted to. Robert immediately disagreed and tried to talk Janet out of the idea, but she was dead set on the idea. “Besides,” Janet said. “Wouldn’t it be great to have two little babies around the house?”

Heidi soon moved in, and while Robert saw the look of recognition on her face, she never let on that she even knew Robert, let alone that she was possibly pregnant with his child. A few weeks went by, and then Janet and Hailey were heading out of town to Janet’s hometown for a baby shower. Robert couldn’t get away from work, so he was staying home, and Heidi was not invited, so she was home as well. After the other two women had been gone for a couple of hours, Heidi came down from her apartment and asked Robert if they could talk.

Heidi preceded to explain that, while she expected the baby was Robert’s since he was the first to ever cum in her, he was not the only man she had been with just prior to missing her period. She had been with three other men after him, and she really wasn’t sure who the father was. For some reason, this was turning Robert on tremendously. He watched Heidi as she talked, and was noticing how large her already rather large tits had become as she had become more pregnant. She was still wearing very sexy clothes as well, even though she was very obviously pregnant now. She saw the way he was looking at her, and said something about it. He told her how sexy she looked and how he had never stopped thinking about their day in the mall. Heidi again asked about Robert and Janet’s relationship, and he only said that it was the same as it was that day.

Heidi smiled slyly as she moved over onto her knees in front of Robert’s chair. He quickly undid his pants and pulled out his cock for her. She immediately went down on him and started sucking his cock somewhat hungrily. She soon began to take his cock all the way down her throat, gagging a bit, but continuing to suck him off. Soon he was cumming and she was swallowing every drop of his cum. Once he was done, she began rubbing his limp cock on her nipples. It didn’t take him long to get hard again. He told her to lay back on the coffee table behind her. She laid back and Robert had her put her feet up on the edge of the table. He got down on his knees and positioned himself between her legs and slowly pushed into her. He started slowly at first, but soon he was pushing hard into her. It had obviously been quite a while for both of them, as they were both soon cumming very hard, crying out loudly together.

Heidi and Robert managed to work out times to meet whenever they could over the next few weeks. Finally, the big day came, and Robert had to rush Janet off to the hospital for the birth of their new babies. They had found out that rather than one new baby, they were actually going to have twins! The labor was pretty intense, and after several hours the first baby was born. He was a pale little thing, with almost blond hair, much like Janet had when she was a little girl. As the nurse prepared the baby, and handed him off to Robert, the doctor prepared to deliver the second baby. After about another hour of labor, the second baby was born. The nurse seemed reluctant to let Robert see the little girl, but finally had to give in to the excited and expectant father. It was quite a shock to Robert to see a very dark skinned little girl, with very dark curly hair.

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