A Great Vacation

A Great Vacation

What does a recently divorced woman in her mid-30s do when her workplace has a 2-week holiday? Well go on vacation of course. My ex-husband was a controlling person, he needed to have things done his way on his schedule. But he had made me feel comfortable, I guess being with someone from the age of 20 on into your 30s does that. But I’m glad that chapter of my life is done. I could see the signs a couple years back and I think I subconsciously wanted out of the marriage anyway.

But it was a blessing to have this freedom now. With him I had never travelled or even went on a proper vacation, but now that I was single and ready to mingle I was anxious to go out and explore the world. My first trip was a Caribbean cruise, I’d lived in the northern hemisphere my entire life and always dreamed of the white beaches and clear water that I see on those travel websites and movies.

The day of departure was a bit of a blur, I was rushing to pack and I didn’t really know what all I needed or wanted to bring. I decided that traveling light would be the best route and only packed a few outfits, some hygiene products and my best friend for the past 5 or so years, my vibrator. The first day on the sea I mostly stayed in my cabin and looked out onto the water. I was having trouble getting out of my comfort zone I guess. But around 7 at night I heard a knock at my door followed by someone saying” Towels or linens Ma’am?”. I was a bit surprised because I wasn’t expecting anyone but looking into my bathroom I realized I did need some towels. I got up to open the door but stopped mid-step when I noticed I hadn’t been wearing anything. I asked the person on the other side of the door to wait a moment while I hurriedly put on the complimentary white cotton bathrobe hanging by the bathroom door. I slowly opened the door and gave the young man in the door way a smile as I thanked him for the towels.

He looked to be in his early 20s but the all-white uniform they make the staff wear probably makes them look a little younger than they are. He stood at just under 6 foot from what I could tell, he wasn’t buff but you could see some muscles definition under the tight polo he was wearing. His shirt was nicely tucked into his white slacks, which were hugging his waist with the assistance of the flat black belt he had on. The uniform also forced him to wear a hat with the cruise lines logo embroidered on the front, but I could see some tuffs of curly blonde hair peeking out of the sides and back of the cap. He moved onto the next cabin, I was feeling a bit confident so I dared to stare at him as he went on. As he knocked on my neighbor’s door he looked back over at me and flashed me a smile. I shot one back at him and retreated to my room.

The exchange might seem like meaningless pleasantry to most but I hadn’t felt attractive in some time and the short gaze of that young man was enough to remind me of that. I sprawled out on the bed and grabbed my vibrator from my luggage. I was used to self-love so I knew I needed some prep before I started going at it. I started by lightly running my middle finger up and down my slit, I was a little surprised by how much moisture had already built. I could expedite the process a bit here so I sunk my finger into my vagina. I felt my finger stretch my opening and I felt myself opening up and giving way to my finger. I curled my finger up and slowly stroked the top of my walls. This was my favorite spot to tease, I liked to act like it was someone else playing with me, teasing my pussy even when I ask for them to get rougher. I was getting more worked up than I usually do at that point and I could feel my juices starting to run down the back of my hand. With my thumb I started to make small circles around my clitoris, softly at first but applying more pressure as I got acclimated to the sensation. I would synchronize the circular motion and curling motion to keep a steady rhythm. I could feel parts of my body start to tense up, my body telling me its getting closer to climax. I increased the pace a bit, my cheeks were getting warm and I could feel a small wet spot under forming under my hand. I started to contract my abdomen as I slowly humped up into the air to match the rhythm I made with my fingers. I could feel the pressure starting to rise, I was getting extremely close to cumming. This is the when my best friend comes into play. My left hand had been firmly clutching the sheets to this point but now it was reaching for my vibrator and turning it on to its max power. In one swift motion I pulled my middle finger out of my pussy while still leaving my thumb on my clit and plunged the toy deep into my vagina. The feeling made my eyes flutter for a moment. My neck tensed and my mouth opened slightly. I used my index and ring fingers to guide my buzzing buddy in and out of me at a rapid pace. I could feel the very tip of the toy graze my cervix. I felt it coming, I breathed in deeply as I felt the pressure in my crotch explode sending waves up to my head and down to my toes. I stiffened up as I let these waves ride out through my body, this orgasm lasted longer than usual. As it was subsiding I shuddered and exhaled loudly. My body felt limp, my bones felt like jelly and beads of sweat slowly rolled down my forehead.

I laid there for a few moments before I was able to collect myself and get up out of bed. Looking down I had made a bit of a mess. There was a visibly wet spot right where my butt was and there was a slight dampness to area the rest of my body was in. A quick shower and some late-night television filled the rest of my night.

The next morning, we would be making our first stop at San Juan in Puerto Rico. I made it my mission to not stay in my cabin that day. I wanted to explore and see new things and this was my opportunity. When I walked out to the deck the sun blinded me, after a moment my eyes adjusted and I could see a bevy of people walking off the boat and down ramp towards the dock. I was wearing a tight striped shirt, khaki shorts that stopped mid-thigh and some leather flip-flops. There was a sign at the end of the ramp detailing when the cruise would continue on to the next spot, this was the first stop so they gave us about 6 hours to go out and come back.

I didn’t have anywhere in particular I wanted to go so I just wandered around, mostly following a large group of people who were also on the cruise. A few broke off and entered a small bakery. The smell of fresh bread filled my nostrils and captivated me. The bakery was decorated with soft pastel colors and drawings of cupcakes and donuts. The counter was encased in glass with multiple pastries and different types of bread laid out. I waited in line for a few minutes and when I got up to order my mind went blank. There were so many options I didn’t know what to choose. After a minute of just staring at the baked goods I asked “What do you recommend?”

He responded in a thick Hispanic accent “ Dhis one berry good.”. He had placed a maple and cinnamon donut on a piece of wax paper and asked “Fo here o to go?”. I said here would be great and hand me a napkin after I rummaged through my pockets for the correct currency to give him. We thanked each other before he moved onto the next customer and I sat down. I didn’t notice it at first but I was the only one that stayed to eat in the bakery, so for the moment it was just the worker and myself in the shop. I asked him if he owned the store and he replied “Jes” in a joyful tone. I asked him a couple more questions, mostly about his life there and some compliments on his baking skills. He smiled at me and waved his hand as he said “Its easy, you wanna see?”. I got up and followed him to the back half of the bakery, the kitchen. I could see sacks of flour and other ingredients slouched on the wall next to his ovens. He gave me a quick demonstration of how he coated the donuts in frosting and how he injected jelly into the jelly filled donuts. Then abruptly he said “Ju are berry beautifoo”.

The comment made me blush almost instantly. I didn’t really know how to answer so I just coyly thanked him and smiled. He took a few steps towards me and I could see him struggling to find the words. Through a mix of Spanish and English words combined with some umms and pauses I was getting the idea that he wanted to either see or touch my breasts. Normally I would be a bit put off by a blatant request but he didn’t seem to mean any disrespect by it. And since I’m on holiday my thinking was ‘fuck it’ , he wasn’t hard to look at and he made some delicious baked goods, a girl could do worse. He wasn’t making any physical advancements so I decided to help the guy out and slowly pull down one side of my shirt. I could see his eyes widen and his attention being drawn to my hand. I slipped the fabric under my breast and felt the warm air gently brush my bare skin. He looked into my eyes for a second before gently cupping my breast with his right hand. He kneaded my boob for a few second before he lowered his head and placed his lips on my nipple. His tongue lightly flicked my hardening nipple at first and then more roughly with each lick. His lips then closed around my areola, he started to suck my nipple up into mouth and his tongue danced around it.

He was getting really into it and starting to push me back onto the wood counter. He pressed his body up against mine and I could feel his erection poking me through his apron. His left hand came up to my other breasts and scooped it out of my shirt. His mouth was still occupied with my other boob but the left hand kneaded my breast and tugged on my nipple. His hands were rough and a bit dry from the flour but it felt great. I felt like he was filled with carnal passion as he played with my boobs. I liked the feeling of being desired and more importantly being ravished. I wanted to see his cock though, it had been a while since I’ve had a hard dick thrash my insides. I reached down and around his apron to feel for his waistband. He was wearing sweatpants so I was able to just slip my hand inside and feel around. It didn’t take me long to find what I was looking for, his meaty cock. It felt so hot and was twitching. I let my hand go all the way down past his shaft to his testicles. His balls were covered in hair but I could still make out the circular shape of his testicles and the elastic skin they reside in. After groping them a bit I went back to his cock. With a firm grip on the base of his penis I bent my forearm to pull his pants down a bit and pull his cock out. It was still behind his apron but I could see it pitching a tent in the apron and I started to stroke it. I could feel his breathing change as I stroked faster. Then he pulled his mouth off my breasts and yelled “Conyo” as I felt his cock expand and contract as he breathed heavily. I looked down and saw a set spot on his apron and drops of cum on the floor. I stroked him for a few seconds as I felt his penis shrinking in my hand. I pulled his apron back so I could see the mess I made him make and it was marvelous. It was difficult to make out because it was white cum on a white apron but I could globs of jizz running down the length of the apron.

We heard the front door open and he stuffed his cock back into his pants before walking out to greet the customer. I took my time to fix myself up and take a good look at the small puddle of cum on the floor. Before he could finish with the customer I walked out of the bakery and into the street. I still had 5 more hours left on this island and I didn’t intend to waste them.

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